Reflections on Decoloniality within Youth Ministry

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Reflections on Decoloniality within Youth Ministry


NOV. 9, 2022 • 1 PM - 2:15 PM [EST]

What does it mean for youth ministry to be decolonised? Although not new, the term ‘decolonise’ has become a prominent part of African discourses after the 2015 and 2016 student protests at various university campuses in South Africa. A strong call to decolonise theology and how we do church has been included in these calls. Alongside this movement, the call to decolonise theology and ministry has been heard in other parts of the world. This presentation grapples with what we are indeed calling for when advocating decoloniality in youth ministry. Issues of social capital, context, and indigenous resources will be explored. You will be challenged, stretched, and encouraged to consider how youth ministry in your context can be part of the difficult work of decolonisation.

REGISTRATION = $25 per person
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Shantelle Weber

Dr. Shantelle Weber has a Ph.D. in Practical Theology from the University of Stellenbosch where she is currently employed as an Associate Professor in the Department of Practical Theology and Missiology. Her interests include youth ministry work and development, faith formation of children and youth, cultural and interreligious studies, and social justice. Shantelle is the president of the International Association for the study of Youth Ministry and serves with Child Theology Africa. She is married to Brandon and together they share two daughters, Shannon and Ashleigh.


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